Health technology assessment (HTA) is a multidisciplinary, systematic, transparent, unbiased and robust process. It aims to determine the effectiveness, comparative effectiveness, cost effectiveness (value) and affordability of health interventions. It supports the development of safe, effective, health policies that are patient-focused and seek to achieve best value. The NCPE conducts HTAs, of drugs, to inform evidence-based decision-making on the reimbursement of drugs in Ireland. Our HTA evaluations inform the advice and recommendations that we provide to the HSE.
For the purposes of research and teaching, the NCPE is affiliated with the Disipline of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin. Our research aims to identify and address gaps in the evidence required to make informed reimbursement decisions. It informs national and international guidance on HTA. It involves collaborations with national, European and international partners. Our research portfolios include in-house PhD research programmes which align practical training in HTA with specific research programmes. We disseminate research outputs in national, European and international, peer-reviewed, top-in-field journals and conferences. The NCPE plays a key role in international organisations including EUnetHTA, Beneluxa, INAHTA and ISPOR. The NCPE is a member of the Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information Network.
Our research themes include: