Relugolix with estradiol and norethisterone acetate (Ryeqo®). HTA ID: 24018

Assessment Status Awaiting full HTA submission from Applicant
HTA ID 24018
Drug Relugolix with estradiol and norethisterone acetate
Brand Ryeqo®
Indication Relugolix with estradiol and norethisterone acetate (Ryeqo®) is Indicated in adult women of reproductive age for symptomatic treatment of endometriosis in women with a history of previous medical or surgical treatment for their endometriosis.
Assessment Process
Rapid review commissioned 28/05/2024
Rapid review completed 15/07/2024
Rapid review outcome A full HTA is recommended to assess the clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of relugolix combination therapy compared with the current standard of care.
Full pharmacoeconomic assessment commissioned by HSE 31/07/2024
Pre-submission consultation with Applicant 18/02/2025