
In pharmacoeconomic evaluation, ‘technology’ is used to mean a drug or other treatment that is being assessed.

Tezepelumab (Tezspire®). HTA ID: 23025

Assessment Status Awaiting response from Applicant
HTA ID 23025
Drug Tezepelumab
Brand Tezspire®
Indication Tezepelumab (Tezspire®) is indicated as add-on maintenance treatment in adults and adolescents 12 years and older with severe asthma, who are inadequately controlled despite high-dose inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) plus another medicinal product for maintenance treatment.
Assessment Process
Rapid review commissioned 10/05/2023
Rapid review completed 15/06/2023
Rapid review outcome A full HTA is not recommended. The NCPE recommends that tezepelumab not be considered for reimbursement at the submitted price*.
Full pharmacoeconomic assessment commissioned by HSE 01/02/2024
Pre-submission consultation with Applicant 05/03/2024
Full submission received from Applicant 04/06/2024
Preliminary review sent to Applicant 13/03/2025

*This recommendation should be considered while also having regard to the criteria specified in the Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Act 2013.

Time Horizon

Period of time over which costs and outcomes are measured in economic evaluation.

Transition Probability

The probability that the health of a patient changes from one health state to another health state within a given period